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Rushma Sajani: Brave rather than perfect

We live in a world where gender is highly differentiated. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Sixth person ” (ID: connect_yourself), sixth author. We live in a world where gender is highly differentiated. Men are educated to be brave, bold and adventurous, but women are nurtured as well-behaved, obedient and perfect. Correspondingly, men are often rewarded for the process; women are often blamed for “results.” This.. Read More

News and rumors are flying together. Under the epidemic, how can social platforms at home and abroad accurately rule out rumors?

This article comes from WeChat public account “Big Data Article” (ID: BigDataDigest), author Liu Junhuan, Ai Fan Released with permission. As of February 4, according to data released by the National Health and Medical Commission, a total of 20,471 confirmed cases of pneumonia of new coronavirus infection were reported in 29 provinces (municipalities, districts) of the country, including 2788 severe cases and 425 deaths. 23214 cases were suspected, and 635.. Read More

Arrive in China this afternoon! Will “Redivevir” be the “medicine” for new coronary pneumonia?

The latest news from the health and health committee, Red Desieve arrived in China this afternoon. Looking forward to positive clinical results! “Redesivir”, a drug that is not yet on the market and is still under development, has become the focus of Chinese people. The developer of this drug is the American pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences, which has been listed in the TOP10 of global pharmaceutical companies for many times,.. Read More

Where are the masks that even cattle, Weishang and purchasing can’t get?

This article comes from WeChat public account: Micro story (ID: xianweigushi) , the original title: “I found 15 APPs, 8 oxen, 3 agents I still have n’t bought a mask. No.1 “After working, I found that the masks in the store are not enough” With the outbreak, masks have become a hard currency. Zheng Xiaodi is now very regretful. The 100 disposable medical masks robbed at the pharmacy years ago.. Read More

Know that Yun invited you to join the “war epidemic”: Any package for epidemic-related mini programs is free

Affected by the epidemic, medical staff, public officials, and other people across the country rushed to the front-line battlefield day and night to work hard to defeat the virus and restore normal life. We are honestly staying at home, wearing masks, washing our hands and disinfecting frequently, which is the greatest help and support for all frontline soldiers. Here we hope that we can defeat the epidemic as soon as.. Read More

Under the epidemic, you can hear more drama than in the first half of your life combined!

This article comes from WeChat public account : phase and not Institute (ID: buuuxiangji) , author: rich adamantyl From any point of view, the epidemic situation is already the most concerned topic at present, and the strength of the people of the whole country is moving towards one place. Naturally, the writers and artists were not idle either. During the special period, their creative passion increased, and a national drama.. Read More

Reviewing the Long Video Industry 2019 from a Legal Perspective

This article is from the WeChat public account: Tencent Institute (ID: cyberlawrc) , author: Zhang Xin, Zeng Lei, Chen (Tencent platform, senior corporate counsel law Consultant), head of FIG Origin: watercress In 2019, many changes have occurred in China’s streaming video industry. Short video platforms continue to rise. Long-term video platforms such as iQiyi and Tencent Video have exceeded the 100 million mark. It is only a content integration platform.. Read More

Go to the box and go to work, the “very much” of the catering industry

Under the national anti-epidemic, the consideration of “life and death” has spread to many industries such as catering, hotels, and travel. Facing the current situation of the closure of more than 400 Xibei Noodle Village restaurants in more than 60 cities, Jia Guolong, chairman of Xibei Catering, said in an interview with China Investment Network: “It is expected that one month before and after the Spring Festival, class = “text-remarks”.. Read More

In January 2020, the 100-city second-hand housing market in the epidemic rose 1.15% year-on-year

Editor’s note: Although the epidemic broke out in the first month of the 1920s, because the time overlaps with the Spring Festival holiday, it has little impact on the market in January. According to the data from Zhuge Finding Housing Research Center, the average price of second-hand residential markets in 100 key cities in January 2020 was 15,074 yuan / square meter, a slight increase of 0.06% from December 2019,.. Read More