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Three new crown medicines have been preliminarily screened; a magnitude 5.1 earthquake in Chengdu

Yesterday, Beijing ushered in the first snow of the year of the Gengzi Rat, and the news about the new crown continues to be screened. The latest progress of Thunder God Mountain and Vulcan Mountain; details of donations from Wuhan Red Cross; Resumption of work; will the epidemic break out next … In the public opinion of group panic, individuals are also like bird of surprise, it can be said.. Read More

Under the epidemic, Haidilao decisively “fired out” behind the scenes!

The epidemic is surging. Those medical staff who are rushing to the frontline of the epidemic prevention day and night are naturally the most adorable and respectable people now. At the same time, behind them, giving them material and spiritual support is China, which is much stronger than 17 years ago. The whole of China-whether it is infrastructure such as transportation and logistics, or various technologies and advanced medical technologies… Read More

If you like to stay up late and sleep late, how can you be more efficient at night?

High-efficiency Night Cat Friendly Guide Shenzhen Translation Bureau is its compilation team, focusing on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives and new trends. Editor’s note: In the eyes of ordinary people, if you want to be efficient, you must get up early. After all, they will think that the plan of the day lies in the morning. However, if you want.. Read More

Huanggang Luotian Epidemic Prevention Observation: “As long as no one comes in, it is safe”

This article is from WeChat public account: NJU Nuclear Record (ID: njufactcheck) , author: Guo Dian Nanjing University School of Journalism and Communication 2016 undergraduate students, from the title figure: the name of the village scene stars tree felling highway Here, like everyone else, I am just a witness. My life has become part of this event. I live here, with everything. ——S.A.Alexievich Region | Huanggang City, Hubei Province Yancun.. Read More

Because of the epidemic being forced to work from home, what are the better collaboration tools than WeChat?

I am about to go to work and start school, but because of the new coronavirus, you have to stay at home. Life is important, but work ca n’t stop, or else who will pay. But can work and study continue without going to school or company? The answer is: No problem, unless you have to go to the company’s production line or the information is on the company’s computer… Read More

Hubei Red Cross, please answer

Source | Building Studio 8 ( ID: bahaolou-8) Writing | Liu Na Title map | Sanlian Life Weekly On February 2nd, a non-governmental organization airlifted a helicopter to the Xinhua Road Stadium in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and delivered supplies to Wuhan Xiehe and other hospitals, including more than 3,000 sets of protective clothing and more than 24,000 medical masks. This move directly bypassed the Hubei and Wuhan Red Cross, which.. Read More

Oral dictation by an engineer at Vulcan Mountain Hospital after completion

This article is from the WeChat public account: sandwich (ID: china30s) , Interview: Two-dimensional sauce, Oral: Ye Qiu, The picture from: Live broadcast screenshot of the construction site Today, Vulcan Mountain Hospital is officially delivered. In 9 days, a hospital with a capacity of 1,000 beds was completed in Wuhan. According to the model of Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital during the SARS period, it specially treated patients with new type of.. Read More

Can you become a superhuman if you toss yourself in this way?

This article is from the public number: neural reality (ID: neureality) , author: Sigal Samuel, author of “When the Future is Complete” on the Vox website, translation: Ji Huanhuan, title picture: The movie “Mechanical Girl” You may never have heard of the term “biohacker”, but you may have been exposed to some kind of interpretation of it: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey) praises intermittent fasting and drinks” brine juice.. Read More

Open tomorrow, don’t panic for investors

Source | 瞭望 智库 (ID: zhczyj ) Author | 杨杨 This article is reprinted from WeChat public account “National Financial Weekly” (ID: ENNWEEKLY), the original text was first published on February 2, 2020, and the title was “Opening the market soon, don’t panic! “. Under the influence of the epidemic, A-shares will inevitably be adjusted in the short term, but the long-term trend will not change as a result. Some.. Read More

Ali War Plague

Source | 华商 韬略 (ID: hstl8888 ) Author | 杨凯 “Customers first, teamwork, embrace change, integrity, passion, and dedication.” The values ​​that have settled during the SARS period have long been written in the flesh and blood of each Ali man, and his original intention has not changed. 1 Go, or not? In April 2003, Jack Ma faced a difficult decision. At that time, the 93rd Canton Fair will be.. Read More