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What is early pregnancy

When wondering whether they are pregnant, most women choose to buy early pregnancy test strips to verify their ideas, that is to say, for early pregnancy tests, many people They all proceeded this way logically. After confirming the pregnancy and deciding to have a baby, they also took their natural steps to raise the fetus. I didn’t even think about it, and maybe I don’t know what early pregnancy is… Read More

The cervix can be divided into two parts

< /p> Many female friends are familiar with the word uterus, but they don’t know much about the uterus, except for knowing that the uterus can support embryos and give birth to illness. , Almost nothing else is known. The uterus is a very important organ in the female body, and the cervix is ​​also the same. So, which two parts can the cervix be divided into? The cervix is.. Read More

What to do with water retention before menstruation

Menstruation is actually an important way to help women judge whether the body is healthy. If you know enough about the normal patterns and phenomena of menstruation, you will be more sensitive to abnormal conditions before and after menstruation, and you can Find out that your body is abnormal in time. Therefore, women need to learn more about menstruation. So, what about water retention before menstruation? Premenstrual water retention can.. Read More

Is adenomyosis serious?

< /p> Women don’t know much about the various diseases that can occur in the uterus, because they are very worried and afraid if they do not know the severity of the disease when the disease is found, even because of the disease And there is a situation of not eating or drinking. Women should know more about the uterus, and timely detection of diseases for treatment is the key… Read More

Does the endometrium usually fall off?

Women’s endometrium normally has periodic shedding, which leads to women’s menstruation every month. Most women think that the endometrium is only in menstruation. There will be shedding during the period, some women want to know, will the endometrium usually fall off? On this issue, let’s discuss it together below. In addition to the natural shedding of women’s endometrium during menstruation, some women may also experience endometrial shedding during ovulation. This.. Read More

How many centimeters is the cervix

Women’s uterus, including the cervix, have a normal size. If there is a difference from the normal standard, attention should be paid to it. There may be a problem, and the cause should be found out as soon as possible. Symptomatic treatment can prevent adverse results. Some women asked, how many centimeters is the cervix? The normal size of the female uterus is 5.5 cm to 7.5 cm in length,.. Read More

What is a pregnant uterus

Recently, a woman went to the hospital for a physical examination. The result of the examination showed a pregnant uterus. If there is a problem in the uterus, the harm to women is great, so women want to know, what is a pregnant uterus? Regarding this issue, let me tell you female friends. Pregnant uterus refers to the condition of the uterus during pregnancy. This is a normal term. If.. Read More

Can I drink brown sugar ginger water for menstrual flow?

Menstrual disorders are also called irregular menstruation, which is a common gynecological disease. Women will show irregular menstrual cycles (too long or too short) and abnormal bleeding (too much or too short). Too little) and other symptoms, and may be accompanied by lower abdomen pain, body fatigue and other general symptoms. Menstrual disorders can generally be adjusted through diet. Then, can I drink brown sugar ginger water for more menstrual.. Read More

The anteroposterior diameter of the uterus is normal

After a woman is an adult, the uterus will mature. By measuring the size of the uterus, it can be judged whether the uterus is normal. If the uterus is underdeveloped or too large, it is abnormal. So some women asked, how normal is the anterior and posterior diameter of the uterus? Next, I will talk about it in detail. The normal size of an adult female’s uterus, the upper.. Read More

What is the screening for Down’s syndrome maternity screening?

< /span> In the pregnancy check-up items, Down’s syndrome screening is very important. If the fetus has not undergone this check, most parents will be particularly worried about the existence of certain fetuses. I don’t know about these diseases, and I will give birth to unhealthy children in the future. So, what is the screening for Down’s syndrome maternity screening? Down’s syndrome screening mainly checks whether the fetus has chromosomal.. Read More